Thursday, August 7, 2014

Groovy | Generating map of U.S states and cities

I couldn't find anywhere on the web JSON file for download that has U.S state two-letter abbreviations as keys, and simple array of city names as values. I needed this JSON file to stick into AngularJS application, removing the need to pull data from the server.

What I did is - I've primarily found  list of state abbreviations, and secondary U.S. Small business administrations API for listing all counties and cities within one state - which resulted in Groovy script generating wanted JSON file.

State list is taken from, with some states removed (ones that SBA API did not recognize, like Palau)

Groovy script follows:

// list taken from, and 
// transformed into Groovy notation
def states = [
    [ name: 'ALABAMA', abbreviation: 'AL'],
    [ name: 'ALASKA', abbreviation: 'AK'],
    [ name: 'ARIZONA', abbreviation: 'AZ'],
    [ name: 'ARKANSAS', abbreviation: 'AR'],
    [ name: 'CALIFORNIA', abbreviation: 'CA'],
    [ name: 'COLORADO', abbreviation: 'CO'],
    [ name: 'CONNECTICUT', abbreviation: 'CT'],
    [ name: 'DELAWARE', abbreviation: 'DE'],
    [ name: 'DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA', abbreviation: 'DC'],
    [ name: 'FLORIDA', abbreviation: 'FL'],
    [ name: 'GEORGIA', abbreviation: 'GA'],
    [ name: 'GUAM', abbreviation: 'GU'],
    [ name: 'HAWAII', abbreviation: 'HI'],
    [ name: 'IDAHO', abbreviation: 'ID'],
    [ name: 'ILLINOIS', abbreviation: 'IL'],
    [ name: 'INDIANA', abbreviation: 'IN'],
    [ name: 'IOWA', abbreviation: 'IA'],
    [ name: 'KANSAS', abbreviation: 'KS'],
    [ name: 'KENTUCKY', abbreviation: 'KY'],
    [ name: 'LOUISIANA', abbreviation: 'LA'],
    [ name: 'MAINE', abbreviation: 'ME'],
    [ name: 'MARYLAND', abbreviation: 'MD'],
    [ name: 'MASSACHUSETTS', abbreviation: 'MA'],
    [ name: 'MICHIGAN', abbreviation: 'MI'],
    [ name: 'MINNESOTA', abbreviation: 'MN'],
    [ name: 'MISSISSIPPI', abbreviation: 'MS'],
    [ name: 'MISSOURI', abbreviation: 'MO'],
    [ name: 'MONTANA', abbreviation: 'MT'],
    [ name: 'NEBRASKA', abbreviation: 'NE'],
    [ name: 'NEVADA', abbreviation: 'NV'],
    [ name: 'NEW HAMPSHIRE', abbreviation: 'NH'],
    [ name: 'NEW JERSEY', abbreviation: 'NJ'],
    [ name: 'NEW MEXICO', abbreviation: 'NM'],
    [ name: 'NEW YORK', abbreviation: 'NY'],
    [ name: 'NORTH CAROLINA', abbreviation: 'NC'],
    [ name: 'NORTH DAKOTA', abbreviation: 'ND'],
    [ name: 'OHIO', abbreviation: 'OH'],
    [ name: 'OKLAHOMA', abbreviation: 'OK'],
    [ name: 'OREGON', abbreviation: 'OR'],
    [ name: 'PENNSYLVANIA', abbreviation: 'PA'],
    [ name: 'PUERTO RICO', abbreviation: 'PR'],
    [ name: 'RHODE ISLAND', abbreviation: 'RI'],
    [ name: 'SOUTH CAROLINA', abbreviation: 'SC'],
    [ name: 'SOUTH DAKOTA', abbreviation: 'SD'],
    [ name: 'TENNESSEE', abbreviation: 'TN'],
    [ name: 'TEXAS', abbreviation: 'TX'],
    [ name: 'UTAH', abbreviation: 'UT'],
    [ name: 'VERMONT', abbreviation: 'VT'],
    [ name: 'VIRGIN ISLANDS', abbreviation: 'VI'],
    [ name: 'VIRGINIA', abbreviation: 'VA'],
    [ name: 'WASHINGTON', abbreviation: 'WA'],
    [ name: 'WEST VIRGINIA', abbreviation: 'WV'],
    [ name: 'WISCONSIN', abbreviation: 'WI'],
    [ name: 'WYOMING', abbreviation: 'WY' ]

//this our map that will be seriazlied to JSON
allData = [:]

//iterate through all of the states
states.each { it ->
    def twoLetterCode = it.abbreviation,
         //grab the data from the api
        citiesJson =  new URL("${twoLetterCode}.json").text,
        citiesMap = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(citiesJson)
    allData[twoLetterCode] = []
     //iterate through all cities and add them to result set   
    citiesMap.each { city ->
    //sort alphabetically asceding (alphabetical sort is default for String object in Groovy)
//serialize Groovy map to JSON
def serializedData = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(allData).toPrettyString()
//and write to file
new File('/tmp/usCitiesData.json') << serializedData

return true

You can see generated file here -

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